
Are Diatoms Plant Like Or Animal Like

Protists are a various grouping of eukaryotic organisms belonging to Kingdom Protista. There are few similarities between private members of this Kingdom, as it includes all the eukaryotes that are non animals, plants, or fungi.

Virtually protists are microscopic and unicellular, though a few species are multicellular. Typically, protists reproduce asexually, though some are capable of sexual reproduction. Some protists are heterotrophs, and feed on other microscopic organisms and carbon-rich materials they find in their surrounding environment; others are photosynthetic and make their own nutrient using chloroplasts.

Animal-like, fungus-like, and plant-like protists
Protists may be classified as beast-similar, fungus-like, or found-like

Classification of Protists

Protists are always eukaryotic, and all protists contain a nucleus and other membrane-jump organelles. They are typically unicellular organisms, though a few are multicellular. Protists live in aquatic environments and may be found in freshwater, saltwater, or damp soil habitats.

Besides these features, the members of Kingdom Protista have little in mutual with ane another. Protists come up in a broad diverseness of unlike forms and may be classified as animal-similar, establish-like, or fungus-like, depending on their characteristics.

Beast-like Protists

Creature-like protists are called protozoa (meaning 'beginning brute'). All protozoans are unicellular and heterotrophic, meaning they seek out food in their surrounding environments. Some animal-similar protists casualty on other, smaller microorganisms, which they engulf and digest in a procedure known as phagocytosis. Others may feed on non-living, organic matter. Many protozoa have a mouthlike structure through which they can ingest food particles, while some absorb nutrients through their cell membrane.

Protozoa typically accept digestive vacuoles but, different other types of protists, they don't comprise chloroplasts. Animate being-like protists also lack a prison cell wall.

Protozoa are animal-like protists
Animal-similar protists are called protozoa

Examples of Brute-similar Protists

There are four main types of fauna-like protists; these are the amoeba, the flagellates, the ciliates, and the sporozoans.

Amoeboid Protozoans

Amoeba are characterized past the presence of pseudopodia, or 'simulated feet,' which they use to catch bacteria and smaller protists.

Amoeba are characterized by pseudopodia
Amoeba accept pseudopods (AKA 'fake feet')

Flagellated Protozoans

Flagellates have flagella, whip, or tail-like structures which they use to propel themselves through water. Some flagellates are parasitic, while others are gratuitous-living.

Ciliated Protozoans

Ciliates are covered in cilia, tiny pilus-like structures which they use to motion effectually and waft nutrient into their mouths.

Ciliated protozoans are characterized by cilia
Ciliates are covered in tiny, hair-similar structures


Sporozoans are parasitic organisms. 1 famous case is Plasmodium, the parasite known to crusade malaria.

Fungus-like Protists

Mucus-similar protists are known as molds. Similar truthful fungi, they are heterotrophic feeders and absorb nutrients from decaying organic matter in their surroundings. They also reproduce using spores. However, they differ from true fungi in that their cell walls contain cellulose, rather than chitin.

Examples of Fungus-like Protists

The two major types of fungi-like protists are slime molds and water molds.

Slime Molds

Slime molds are oftentimes establish on rotting logs, where they feed on decaying organic matter. These molds are often unicellular merely, when food is scarce, can swarm together to course a slimy mass. These brightly colored blobs tin move very slowly in their search for food and, in some cases, tin fuse to form i enormous, multinucleated cell.

Slime molds are fungus-like protists
Slime molds can course multicellular structures

Water Molds

Water molds usually live on the surface of water, or in clammy soil and, like slime molds, feed on decaying organic matter. This group contains several plant pathogens, including the devastating potato disease known as potato bane.

Several plant pathogens are water molds
Some mucus-like protists cause serious plant diseases

Found-like Protists

Plant-like protists (AKA algae ) are ordinarily photosynthetic organisms, and most incorporate chloroplasts and/or chlorophyll. Algal cells usually take a prison cell wall which, like the cell walls of true plants, comprise cellulose. However, different true plants, algae lack leaves, stems, and roots. Found-similar protists may reproduce asexually or sexually.

Most algal species are unicellular, though some form large, multicellular structures (for case, seaweeds ). Plant-like protists live in aquatic environments and almost species are plant in oceans, lakes, and ponds.

Algae are plant-like protists
Plant-similar protists are called algae

Examples of Constitute-like Protists

The 7 major groups of algae are crimson algae, green algae, brown algae, fire algae, golden-brown algae, yellowish-green algae, and euglenids.

Red Algae

Red algae are typically establish in tropical marine environments where they often grow on flat surfaces, such equally reefs. Though red algae may be unicellular, they are typically multicellular organisms and grade a variety of seaweeds.

Red algae form a variety of different seaweeds
Ruddy algae tin be multicellular seaweeds

Green Algae

Green algae are the most abundant group of algae. They contain chloroplasts and cell walls and are idea to be the evolutionary ancestors of land plants. Green algae may be unicellular or multicellular.

Brown Algae

Brownish algae are typically plant in marine environments. They are multicellular organisms and form a variety of plant-like species. The largest known example of chocolate-brown algae is the giant kelp, which often grows to over 30m in length.

Giant kelp is a type of brown algae
Giant kelp is the largest species of marine algae

Burn Algae

Burn down algae include a group of unicellular organisms called the dinoflagellates. Some dinoflagellates are bioluminescent and can light up the surface of the sea with an eerie, night-time glow. When present in big numbers, dinoflagellates tin besides cause a phenomenon known as 'red tide.'

Golden-chocolate-brown Algae and Diatoms

Aureate-brown algae tin can be found in both marine and freshwater environments. This group includes the diatoms, photosynthetic organisms with transparent jail cell walls made of silica. Many species of marine plankton are diatoms.

Diatoms are a type of golden-brown algae
Many species of marine plankton are diatoms

Yellow-dark-green Algae

Yellow-greenish algae are photosynthetic organisms that alive predominantly in freshwater environments. Many have a prison cell wall that does non contain cellulose (every bit in plants and algae) or chitin (similar fungi and molds). The cell wall composition of yellow-dark-green algae is nearly completely unknown.


Euglena are photosynthetic algae that are found in a diverseness of aquatic habitats. Euglenids typically take one or more flagella just lack a cell wall, and are instead encased by a poly peptide-rich structure chosen a pellicle.

Cite This Article

MLA APA Chicago Editors. "Animal-like, Fungus-like, and Found-like Protists." Biological science Dictionary, Biologydictionary.cyberspace, 01 Mar. 2021, Editors. (2021, March 01). Animal-similar, Fungus-like, and Constitute-like Protists. Retrieved from Editors. "Animal-like, Fungus-like, and Plant-like Protists." Biology Dictionary. Biologydictionary.internet, March 01, 2021. https://biologydictionary.cyberspace/animal-like-fungus-like-and-plant-like-protists/.

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