
How To Clean Animals Poo Stain From Carpet


Written by Grove Collaborative

Dog poop on the carpet? Hither's how to get information technology out without making a bigger mess.

Concluding Updated: April viii, 2021

Your dog left you a surprise in the living room, and now you're wondering how to clean it up. We've got all the tips you need to finer get dog poop out of your carpet.

Poop goes by many names — dung, doo-doo, caca, night soil, business — but whatever you lot like to call it, the i affair nosotros can all agree on is that it should never exist on the carpeting. Unfortunately, if information technology does happen, don't panic! We've got all the poop-cleaning info including a DIY recipe and viii steps to effectively clean it upward and stay calm when the domestic dog lays a dookie on your favorite rug.

Have other bodily functions that happened in problematic areas of your house? We've got tips for those likewise. Have a look!

  • How to Get Urine Out of Carpeting, Mattresses, and More than
  • How to Make clean Upwards Vomit from Carpeting — and Just About Everywhere Else

Blistering soda is the holy grail of poop removers. This is because baking soda contains moisture-absorbing starch, making it a miracle worker for doggy diarrhea or other liquidy accidents.

Blistering soda is also a celebrated odor remover that works by arresting unpleasant scents instead of just masking them. Bonus: Blistering soda is a natural, not-toxic, and environmentally friendly alternative to other wet-absorbers and aroma-removers on the market.

Find your canis familiaris poop clean-up supplies at Grove

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Step 1: Don't let the stain sit for too long!

Endeavour to take care of, er, business, sooner rather than later. The longer the stain sits, the harder it'll exist to go out.

Step 2: Wear protective gloves.

Your #1 goal is probably to avoid any peel-to-poo contact, so skid on your gloves, make sure they are on there tight, and become to piece of work.

Step 3: Scrape off backlog poop with a infant wipe.

Remove the poo in question with a infant wipe or a thick, barely damp paper towel. Then scrape off whatsoever excess with a fresh wipe or paper towel. Pinch the carpet fibers to pick up as much of the poop as possible.

Step iv: Ready your DIY cleaning solution.

Combine the post-obit in a bowl:

  • 2 cups cool water
  • 1 tablespoon non-bleach dish soap
  • ane tablespoon white vinegar

Grove tip: Double check that your dish lather doesn't contain bleach — bleach mixed with acids (like vinegar) result in toxic fumes.

Pace 5: Spray, absorb, echo.

Spray or pour a lilliputian solution onto the stain, let it sit for 10 minutes, and so blot — don't rub! — until the stain is no longer visible. This could take a few rounds, depending on how large your dog'due south business was, so don't go discouraged if the stain doesn't disappear immediately. Have it slow and recall — no rubbing. Only blotting.

Step 6: Rinse.

After the stain is gone, pour some cold water over the area, then absorb it upwards with a cloth or paper towel to remove any leftover cleaning solution.

Stride seven: Deodorize.

Sprinkle baking soda over the previously stained surface area to get rid of whatever lingering odor. Permit information technology to sit down anywhere from 10 minutes to overnight to ensure the smell is completely gone.

Step eight: Vacuum your rug.

After the baking soda has captivated the poop'south nefarious aromas, vacuum it up.

Try these natural products to get poop stains out

Before you lot go forth and remove poop stains from your rug, nosotros've got a few more tips to make the whole process easier — and safer.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

If y'all're using a commercial cleaner, check the manufacturer's instructions earlier dousing your carpet in it. Some products are harmful to your carpet if they sit for besides long.

Avoid rubbing a stain on rug.

Blot, don't rub! Rubbing drives the poo particles deeper into the carpet fibers, resulting in a mess that's much harder to get out — and a olfactory property that may never leave.

Test an inconspicuous function of the carpet.

Examination your anti-poo formula on a small, hidden patch of rug offset to avoid permanently dissentious whatever high-traffic areas. This applies to both commercial and DIY cleaning solutions.

Never mix cleaning products — particularly those that incorporate bleach.

There's a time and a place to play mad scientist (a dark castle in the dead of dark, for example,) but concocting a mixture to clean up your dog's poop isn't the time or the identify. Mixing cleaning products — especially if they incorporate bleach — can create unsafe or toxic gases.

Notice out more about why you should never mix bleach and vinegar for cleaning here!


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